
BLOG Hero - 34.9% of professionals in marketing and advertising are psycho.

34.9% of professionals in marketing and advertising are psycho*.

Don’t let the spreadsheets dictate. Take a step back and think about the results before the results. Measurability should be emotionally driven.

Alan Stobie

BLOG Hero - a creative career

A creative career: Where do you think you're going?

What the hell have I done?

Alan Stobie

BLOG Hero - has the world gone colourbland?

Has the world gone colourbland?

I’ve noticed something over the last few years.

Alan Stobie

BLOG Hero - Don’t just get a story in your head. Get it into other peoples’ heads too

Don’t just get a story in your head. Get it into other peoples’ heads too

You have to be interesting. Anyone can create a dull ad. Of course they can. But to create something that proverbially hits people between the eyes and ears is where you have to be. Nobody got bored into buying anything.

Alan Stobie

FR Blog - why copywriting doesnt mean sht -508178484

Why copywriting in 2024 doesn't mean shit

Copywriting is a fine art. It takes years of training and refinement to do this well. Fifth Ring Creative Director and copywriter shares his thoughts.

Alan Stobie


FR hops in to help RGU

We kept the brief open. Choose a communication channel. It could be an existing platform or medium, or an entirely new one. The main thing was this: do it in a way that’s not been done before. A big ask. But it makes for big thinking.

Alan Stobie


A Blog 30 Years in the Making

1991 was the year. The big year that an agency was born. One that incorporated an actual philosophy, which formed a [name link] and inspired a whole array of values. Stuff that meant, well, it meant something. Where a lot of brands get caught up and

Alan Stobie

BLOG Hero - going nowhere have a word

Going nowhere? Have a word.

It is the natural tendency of every object to resist changes to its state of motion. If they are at rest, they will have a propensity to stay at rest. And if they are moving at a constant velocity, they would, similarly, have a propensity to continue.

Alan Stobie

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Christmas market(ing), targets and unique snowflakes. Let’s talk.

Never underestimate the power of words. Ever. Written well, words can force you to completely change what you’re thinking. They can transport you to somewhere different.

Alan Stobie


Why the online giants are big on paper

Where it’s widely regarded that the majority of the ad industry has been focusing on digital ad platforms, there’s something interesting going on.

Alan Stobie