. Adapting to life in a new country brings challenges but it also opens up a hugely rewarding wealth of knowledge that only living amongst multicultural neighbours can provide.
Fifth Ring
You will hear elsewhere in this publication from Fifth Ring BBN’s Clif Collier on the company’s strategic commitment to think and act globally. The more churlish reader – particularly if they were a football (soccer for our USA readers) fan – may
I recently saw a Dutch advert. It was a big poster of a very cute little girl with a caption saying ‘Mummy, that one, that one, that one!’ At least that was the English translation. In Dutch it was spelt ‘Mama, die, die, die!’ This somewhat
Once objectives and strategy are agreed and the creative ideas are flowing, those responsible for its delivery should be engaged in the process to make the strategic thinking visible. The most creative of ideas can fall by the wayside if the
Creating and sustaining a performance culture throughout a company is something many senior executives want and need, but find almost impossible to achieve. So how do you make it happen?
The capacity to create and understand ideas is a defining feature of human beings and the world we live in today is a result of those ideas. Thinking is just as much an organ of perception as our eyes and ears. Just as the eye perceives colour and