Do you ever feel like you are being followed? Look behind you.
Fifth Ring
The emerging resurgence in United States oil and gas, led by the onshore shale sector, had encouraged some commentators to anticipate that this year’s Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), which has just been held in Houston, would represent a show
Andrew Bradshaw
Every organisation is vulnerable to crises. The days of playing ostrich—burying your head in the sand and hoping the problem goes away– are gone.
Jennifer Maclennan
With a growing optimism that the three-year downturn in the fortunes of the international oil and gas industry may be improving, all eyes will be on this year’s Offshore Technical Conference
If you want to form a durable relationship with your customers, that elusive heterogeneous brand voice needs to be there. Trouble is, how far do you go?
Alan Stobie
Not only is Houston the energy capital of the world, it is home to one of the world’s largest rodeos—and Fifth Ring’s Houston office has its very own rodeo insider. Account executive, Stephanie Black, is a rodeo volunteer and has kept an eye on the
Stephanie Black
A recent survey by Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce found that almost half (47.5 percent) of its members would like more training in business development. This is not surprising given that sales as the means to maintain and grow businesses.
Five ways to get the best out of your marketing agency
In a time of tightening budgets, in-house marketing departments are feeling the pressure to justify their spend.