
How to spend your PR budget wisely

Times are challenging for many businesses right now. The focus is on cost once again. That means every penny that you spend on PR has to work. And you have to be able to show the value that your activity brings to your business. Here are a few tips

Andrew Bradshaw

5 things I learnt as a Fifth Ring Intern

Over the last 3 months, I have had the pleasure of interning alongside the PR team here at Fifth Ring, Aberdeen. Fifth Ring is a global B2B marketing agency which provides a wide range of specialist services. Therefore, I have not only obtained

Amy Reid

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Keeping the doors of communication open to your stakeholders

COVID-19 is no doubt changing our way of life and daily routines. By now, almost all companies in Singapore have joined the work-from-home (WFH) movement as part of stricter safe distancing measures in place.

Amnah Senen


What you should be doing when you are not at OTC

At this time of year, marketers in the oil and gas industry around the world are usually busy channelling all their attention into one activity – the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas. So what if you can't go?

Andrew Bradshaw

4 Types of Creative Content to Boost Your Social Media Performance

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with social media marketing. After writing social media again and again, it can start to feel a little stale.

Haley Martin

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10 Tips to Build a Content Strategy to Grow Your Business

Content marketing can be a powerful tool to grow your business. After all, it’s highly likely to be your first impression to the customer. Below are 10 tips for a content strategy that will better connect with your customers.

Haley Martin

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Going nowhere? Have a word.

It is the natural tendency of every object to resist changes to its state of motion. If they are at rest, they will have a propensity to stay at rest. And if they are moving at a constant velocity, they would, similarly, have a propensity to continue.

Alan Stobie

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Marketing Metrics Your CEO Wants to See

One of the biggest challenges marketers face is proving the value of their marketing efforts to their CEO. Vanity metrics such as new users and likes on social media are impressive, and always exciting to monitor, but they don’t get to the bottom

Stephanie Colello

How to engage participants during your video conferences

With over a decade of broadcast experience, business manager Stevie Brown shares some insight from the world of entertainment, and how we can apply these principals to business video conference calls.

Stevie Brown

Showing, not just telling.

Showing, not just telling.

Given the current Coronavirus pandemic, clearly we need to be extremely cautious about venturing outside but if, like me, you have been out for a daily walk round your neighbourhood (respecting social distancing of course) you might notice something

Owen Davies