In the integrated world of B2B marketing, content stands as the most powerful tool to attract and engage customers. The goal? Lead generation.
Blair Robertson
Oil and gas companies that think ESG has gone down the priority list in the last couple of years should think again. It hasn’t and it isn’t going to go away. Stakeholders need to hear your ESG story. But how they expect you to tell it has changed.
Andrew Bradshaw
Reputation. The core of the PEAR. How you respond to an issue relating to People, the Environment and the Asset all has a long-standing impact on your Reputation, internally and externally.
Andy Groundwater
So far in this series we have looked at the importance of looking after People and Environment in a time of crisis, so the attention now turns to the third word of the PEAR acronym: Asset.
You have to be interesting. Anyone can create a dull ad. Of course they can. But to create something that proverbially hits people between the eyes and ears is where you have to be. Nobody got bored into buying anything.
Alan Stobie
Environment. It is – dare I say – the hot topic across the news, and one that many feel extremely passionate about.
The world of communications is more diverse and difficult to navigate than ever.
You’ll see – and hear – the same thing from many businesses: “They’re our most important asset.” We see it when we are speaking to clients. “Oh, that’s definitely what sets us apart from our competitors.” That’s right, it’s people.
From beating the best footballers in the world to tackling the challenges of modern business and inspiring others, Gary Neville knows what it takes to be successful.
We’ve crafted this guide to walk you through the process of creating effective email nurturing campaigns tailored for your B2B leads.
Parada Sritaragul