energy posts

BLOG Hero - what does the future look like for the energy industry

What does the future look like for the energy industry?

At Fifth Ring we fully understand the energy industry. We comprehend the cyclical nature of boom and bust. We’ve helped our clients communicate out of downturns and maximised their visibility during upturns. But we’ve never known a time as crazy as this. And neither has the industry.

Andrew Bradshaw

Hero Hero - Time to press the reset button on energy?

Time to press the reset button on energy?

However bad a situation might be, people will often look for the positives.

Andrew Bradshaw


What you should be doing when you are not at OTC

At this time of year, marketers in the oil and gas industry around the world are usually busy channelling all their attention into one activity – the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas. So what if you can't go?

Andrew Bradshaw


Time To Shine For The Subsea Sector

The global subsea industry – that sector devoted to activity from the seabed to the surface – will once again flock to Aberdeen from February 11-13 for its most prestigious gathering, Subsea Expo.

Andrew Bradshaw

FR Blog - who said oil and gas was boring GettyImages-455651375

2019: who said oil and gas was boring?

The one thing you can say about the energy industry is that it’s never short on drama. And 2019 was further proof of that.

Andrew Bradshaw

group of people working at a desk with notes and coffee

Why your PR agency needs to understand your market.

A recent report published by The Energy Leadership Platform revealed how PR skills valued by the CIPR and more than 150 energy industry professionals differed.

Amy Guyan

BLOG Hero - 5 reasons your business should have a PR strategy

5 Reasons your business should have a PR Strategy

Randomly sending out press releases and hoping for the best is as relevant today as red braces, big hair and leg warmers – you need a PR strategy.

Andrew Bradshaw

oil rig in sea at sunset

Is the UK's oil and gas industry fit for the future?

Over the last four years since the collapse of the oil price and the resulting downturn in activity, much has been made of the oil and gas industry’s ability to withstand whatever troubles it is faced with.

Andrew Bradshaw


Five technology innovations that have transformed offshore industries

The first offshore mobile drilling platform was constructed in 1949 in just 20 feet of water. Exactly 70 years later, Total is expected to drill 3,600 meters (11,811 feet) later this year, setting a new record.

Haley Martin

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Offshore Europe - not a carbon copy of previous shows

The dust has now settled on Offshore Europe 2019, the conference that brings together the global oil and gas industry, and it was a show that gave us much to consider.

Andrew Bradshaw